CLINIC Expresses Gratitude for TPS Announcement on Afghanistan

SILVER SPRING, Maryland — Yesterday, the Biden administration announced an 18-month extension and redesignation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Afghanistan. This will give approximately 70,000 Afghans residing in the United States the freedom to live and work legally in the United States through May 20, 2025, and also allow those who entered the country more recently to receive vital protection.

“We are truly grateful for this announcement,” said Anna Gallagher, CLINIC executive director. “Afghans who have fled Taliban rule to find safety in the United States can rest easier knowing they will not be forced to return to conditions of persecution and instability for the foreseeable future. However, given the extremity of the dangers in Afghanistan and the vulnerability of most Afghans who have fled, we know that this temporary protection is not enough. More permanent legislative solutions are needed, but we welcome and commend this important first step.”

As CLINIC celebrates this news, we continue to pray and act for the citizens of other countries who are in need of protected status, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Cameroon.