Resources on Border Issues

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This FAQ provides an overview of the new rule, including how the rule interacts with the Circumvention of Lawful Pathways rule.

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This practice advisory with frequently asked questions provides an overview of the newly announced Afghan re-parole program through USCIS. It also addresses questions about eligibility, the application process, and the intersection of re-parole and other immigration benefits.

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CLINIC has published a new brief on the Biden administration’s asylum ban, outlining basic information about the Circumvention of Lawful Pathways rule, exceptions to the rule, and ways to rebut the presumption of asylum ineligibility. The brief also includes an infographic with a hypothetical scenario.

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Title 42 is scheduled to end May 11, 2023. This is a page of resources for legal practitioners, advocates, and others helping immigrant clients navigate the immigration system post-Title 42. If you would like to suggest a new resource be added to this page, please contact Tania Guerrero at

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This one-page resource provides basic information on the CBP One app, which is now used to schedule appointments prior to crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. It explains the app’s origins, some common failures of the app, and how it is currently used.

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CLINIC joined dozens of organizations in an effort led by NIPNLG and SPLC urging DHS and EOIR to address access to counsel issues faced by asylum seekers subject to the Remain in Mexico policy. The letter details factors that currently impede such access and recommends steps that should be taken to reduce these barriers.

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CLINIC and 150 legal, faith-based and humanitarian organizations wrote to urge the administration to terminate MPP after the 9th Circuit upheld an injunction on the program. MPP places asylum-seekers in danger and creates barriers to legal representation.

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Joined by Democracy Forward, CLINIC represents two asylum-seeking families and the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) in challenging the Trump administration’s policy directives that eviscerate protections for families fleeing persecution. On March 1, 2020, the federal District Court for the District of Columbia held that Cuccinelli’s appointment was unlawful and set aside the asylum directives.

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CLINIC joined with 17 other organizations that serve asylum seekers to urge the Ninth Circuit to uphold a preliminary injunction in favor of asylum seekers affected by Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) so-called “metering” policy.

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Despite public outcry and legal challenges, DHS has persisted in the expansion and implementation of its immoral, life-threatening practice of forcing certain asylum seekers to remain in Mexico while their case is processed. CLINIC renewed its February 2019 interfaith letter opposing this policy in response to requests by faith leaders and organizations, and over 650 faith-based organizations and leaders signed on requesting the termination of the Remain in Mexico policy.

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The administration continues its attacks on vulnerable asylum seekers arriving at our southern border. It's latest plan, the Remain in Mexico Policy, requires asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their asylum cases are pending in the U.S. immigration courts. This policy exposes asylum seekers to great risk of harm, curtails their access to counsel, and does not present a solution to the root causes of Central American migration flows.

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More than 500 faith leaders and organizations called on the Department of Homeland Security to end its policy of requiring some asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their cases proceed.

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CLINIC joined its partners in the Dilley Pro Bono Project on Feb. 6, 2019, to submit a collection of data and information to DHS demonstrating the harmful effects of the MPP program.